Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Headache be gone

Woo~! I feel so much better compared to yesterday. I walked like Gu Jun Pyo after he got hit by a car and had memory loss. :x

Back to English homework. ;t

Old Poem.

Like Father, Like Son

What a way to kill the mood
Without a say you come intrude
Invade my privacy with your nosey eyes
Asking if I’m talking to a girl or a guy
Complain that about my lack of interest in academics
Just because I wish to no longer take mathematics
I’m not behind in school so why are you being an ass?
Is it because I want to drop out of guitar class?
Stop trying to live your life through me
Stop trying to shape my own destiny
Let me choose my own path in my life
Shut up about me never going to have a wife
Quit saying I’m worthless and will amount to nothing
And that I’ll never be accepted by someone trusting
You are making my life seem over before it begun
A profession, a career, a family, seems like I’ll have none
But I guess it true about what they say - Like father, like son.

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